Moscow, st. Efremova 10, Building 1 - 4/8
mn-fr from 10:00 to 19:00
Help you and your business in Russia and abroad
Our advantage is a deep understanding of your business principles
More about us
Clients entrust to us full legal administration of business
We hold a course for your security
About our principles
We solve your problems while you enjoy your life
The main thing for us is to create comfort for customers
What we can be useful for
we are professionals in this

Our services

A wide range of services for government bodies, private business and non-profit organizations, individuals in Russia and abroad

Dispute resolution, courts
Declaration of CFC and accounts
Currency regulation and control
Accounting support
Financial statements audit
Opening an account abroad
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About us

On this website we would like to tell you about the practices of DSL-Service that we offer to our customers, as well as about our values that we as a firm hold dear.Our founding partners left their respective practices in the 2000s to found its independent legal practice and devoted theirselves to daily practice. Years later, the DSL-Service became the owner of considerable experience in the practice of law. Now we understand our challenges and risks, our merits and opportunities for business development. This helps us to shape our values and corporate culture.After all, it doesn't matter what we say about our firm. The true indicator is the customers with whom we continue to work.
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Dear friends, DSL-Service supports the organizations listed below, we also encourage our customers and partners to do it.

1. Charitable Foundation of "Children`s hospital" at the Speransky Children`s city clinical hospital No. 9
GKU Prokhladnensky orphanage MT&SZ KBR
3. GBUZ "Republican children`s clinical hospital" Health Ministry of the KBR
4. Veterans Council of the Moscow Central administration;
5. Северо-Осетинский региональный общественный благотворительный фонд по строительству храма Новомучеников Российских г. Беслан;
6. Футбольная команда «Пересвет-Трехгорка» г. Домодедово;
7. Группа «РОЖДЕСТВО»;
8. Мужской камерный хор «Логос».

Также мы поддерживаем благотворительную деятельность нашего партнера Конькова Андрея Анатольевича (Адвокатский кабинет Конькова Андрея Анатольевича).
Андрей Анатольевич является известным московским меценатом и коллекционером живописи, организатором художественных выставок, способствует возвращению в Россию уникальных документов:

1. Государственный мемориальный и природный музей-заповедник И.С. Тургенева «Спасское-Лутовиново»;
2. Орловский объединенный государственный литературный музей им. И.С. Тургенева.;
3. Государственный центральный Музей кино.;
4. Главный храм вооружённых сил Российской Федерации;
5. Храм Симеона Столпника на Поварской (г. Москва).