Moscow, st. Efremova 10, Building 1 - 4/8
mn-fr from 10:00 to 19:00

Selection of accountants, testing and examination of accounting department

Any firm during the existence faces process of expansion of production, leaving of the employee on leave, including maternity, dismissals of old employees.

In this case, you need to quickly find a new employee for the Finance Department: cashier, accountant or chief accountant.

The management faces a difficult task of selecting a new employee who would meet all the requirements.

Choosing an employee for such a responsible position as an accountant (chief accountant), you can trust the employees of DSL-Service, specializing in recruitment. We will be able to check the level of knowledge and skills possessed by the candidate for the position, to make his personal characteristics regarding the possibility of his work in the company of the customer, as well as to determine the level of wages that he should receive according to his knowledge and skills.

Our colleagues carry out careful work with each applicant for a position, reveal, whether their experience corresponds to the requirements imposed on concrete firm of the customer.Our experts with all responsibility approach performance of the work, therefore, as a result of the selection of candidates for the position of accountant, you will receive their detailed summaries with detailed comments and recommendations on applicants.

DSL-Service also provides services for the analysis and verification of the effectiveness of existing divisions of the company, whose responsibilities include accounting, tax and management accounting, planning, budgeting, cash flow management, including:

  • analysis of the organization of the accounting service and business processes within it;
  • evaluation of the level of automation and technical equipment, access to information resources;
  • assessment of qualification of employees of the Department;
  • evaluation of the internal control system of the organization and management control over accounting, timeliness of information and reliability of management accounting.

The result of the work is the provision of written information (report) on the analysis, identified inconsistencies, shortcomings and risks, as well as recommendations for optimization.

Further optimization can be performed by the client independently or with the participation of DSL-Service. At the same time, the degree of our participation is chosen by the client – we can take the entire procedure as much as possible or limit ourselves to accompanying consultation.

To learn about the pricing policy of the company «DSL-Service»

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